Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why Xero and not QuickBooks Online?

    It is your choice; only you can decide what is right for you. There are disadvantages and advantages to both programs and you have to go with what is comfortable for you. Please click here to read this blog post on why we prefer Xero over QuickBooks.

  • Why would I do your course? There are already the Xero How-to Videos Available.

    Take the Xero Courses, they are great. We are in full support of educating yourself in whatever way makes the most sense. This course is for someone that wants a step by step in how you should use the system and considers specific business related situations. You do not have to be an accountant and you just have to follow the directions. Xero instructions assume you understand how specific functions, accounts and reports work together. If you do not have a foundation in understanding accounting, I can guarantee you will run into errors and result in a costly cleanup and unreliable numbers. Our course is for the person that not only wants to understand Xero, but also understand their business.

  • Does Xero manage Inventory Tracking for Produced Goods from Raw Material to Finished Good?

    No, but neither does QuickBooks Online, or any version of QuickBooks Desktop except QuickBooks Manufacturing, but then you have the hassle of a desktop only and cumbersome program. Xero is capable for small businesses to do inventory tracking or you can make monthly adjustments, and I’ll show you how. Accounting and Inventory Tracking are not one in the same. We have an inventory app to resolve the issues where Accounting software doesn't mesh with needing to know different types of units of measurement or weight, pricing formulas and additional details that aren't strictly the dollar value of a good being bought and sold.

  • How should I watch this course?

    You will get the best results if you view the lessons sequentially. So, start with lesson one and work your way through to the end. You can watch the videos, or download and read the transcripts. Due to the nature of the course, we recommend learning from the videos for the full understanding of where and how to navigate. The videos are exactly of the screen you will be using, so you can follow along. Just make sure to download the note-taking worksheet before you start each lesson. You will find those in the lesson resources.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    You have lifetime access to the course. You do not have to renew at any point.

  • What if I get stuck?

    We will gladly answer any questions you may have. Don't wait until you are frustrated, please contact us: